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The fluvio cluster command

The fluvio cluster family of commands is used to install and manage your own Fluvio cluster. The two primary forms of self-hosted cluster are Kubernetes (e.g. via Minikube) and Local clusters, both of which can be automatically set up by cluster commands. Please make sure you have followed the getting started guide and installed all the necessary dependencies before attempting to install your own cluster.

fluvio cluster check

This command is used to check whether you have all the required dependencies installed correctly. If this runs and returns successfully, you should be all set to start a Fluvio cluster.

Example usage

$ fluvio cluster check
Running pre-startup checks...
✅ Kubernetes config is loadable
✅ Supported kubernetes version is installed
✅ Supported helm version is installed
✅ Can create service
✅ Can create customresourcedefinitions
✅ Can create secret
✅ Fluvio system charts are installed
🎉 All checks passed!
You may proceed with cluster startup
next: run `fluvio cluster start`

fluvio cluster start

This command is used to start your own Fluvio cluster, with all the machinery needed to receive, process, and serve streaming messages.

There are two main variations of this command. The default variation is invoked simply by fluvio cluster start. This will run Fluvio cluster locally. The other variation is fluvio cluster start --k8s, which will start the cluster components to your configured Kubernetes context.


To start a cluster locally (as processes on your machine):

$ fluvio cluster start
📝 Running pre-flight checks
✅ Supported helm version is installed
✅ Supported kubernetes version is installed
✅ Kubernetes config is loadable
✅ Fixed: Missing Fluvio system charts.
🖥️ SC Launched
🤖 SPU group launched (1)
👤 Profile set
🎯 Successfully installed Fluvio!


To start a cluster on Kubernetes:

$ fluvio cluster start --k8
📝 Running pre-flight checks
✅ Kubernetes config is loadable
✅ Supported helm version is installed
✅ Fixed: Missing Fluvio system charts.
✅ Previous fluvio installation not found
🛠️ Installing Fluvio
✅ Fluvio app chart has been installed
🔎 Found SC service addr:
👤 Profile set
🤖 SPU group launched (1)
✅ All SPUs confirmed
🎯 Successfully installed Fluvio!

For more information on installing Fluvio with Kubernetes, go our Kubernetes Install section

fluvio cluster delete

Deletes a Fluvio cluster and all data associated with it.


Be careful, this cannot be undone.

Example usage

To uninstall Fluvio from Kubernetes (e.g. Minikube):

$ fluvio cluster delete

To uninstall Fluvio from your local machine:

$ fluvio cluster delete --local

fluvio cluster spu list

This command shows details about the active SPUs in your cluster. It is mostly useful for checking on the status of individual SPUs to see whether they are still online, and which addresses they live at.

Example usage

$ fluvio cluster spu list
5001 custom-spu-5001 Online "custom" - localhost:9010 localhost:9011

fluvio cluster upgrade

Upgrade a local Fluvio cluster from an older version to a newer version of Fluvio.


Be careful, this cannot be undone.

Example usage

To upgrade a Fluvio local cluster, shutdown the cluster with its current version, fvm switch to the new version of Fluvio, perform the upgrade, then resume the cluster.

$ fluvio cluster shutdown
$ fvm switch stable # or desired newer version e.g. fvm switch 0.14.0
$ fluvio cluster upgrade
$ fluvio cluster resume