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Version: 0.15.1 (stable)

Collaborate using Organizations

Organizations allow teams to collaborate by sharing access to clusters and private hub packages.

The user that creates an organization becomes its owner and all invited users are considered members. Cluster creation/deletion and user management is limited to the owner. Members have permission to perform all other operations.

At the moment access control within an organization is not configurable. Therefore, in cases where you need to segment access to resources, we recommend that you create an organization per segment.

Members of an organization may publish InfinyOn Hub packages to be made availabile to the organization. Any private packages published to this organization will be available to all of its clusters and users.

Create an organization

The fluvio cloud admin org create command will walk you though creating an org and creating its first cluster.

$ fluvio cloud admin org create --name my-org --display-name MyOrganization
Created organization: MyOrganization (my-org)

? Would you like to select the newly created organization? Yes

? This organization has no clusters yet. Would you like to create one? Yes

? Would you like auto-generate a name for this cluster? Yes

Creating cluster...
Starting unified-platypus... Done!
Downloading cluster config
Registered sdf worker: unified-platypus
Switched to new profile: unified-platypus

Invite teammates

The invited teammate will have access to the new cluster created in your organization.

$ fluvio cloud admin org user invite

An email has been sent to the user with an invite code.
You can also provide the invite code to the user manually.


You may continue adding additional teammates using this command.

Accepting an invite and joining the organization

As the person being invited to join, you will receive an email with an invitation code. If you do not already have an InfinyOn Cloud user account you will be prompted to create one.

Log in with the Cloud CLI

$ fluvio cloud login
Infinyon Cloud email:
Password: **********

Logged in successfully as Teammate 1 (

Accept the invitation using the code from the organization owner

$ fluvio cloud org invite accept P2Z4EDA6G2ETE7IFNZP75F6GC7A4H3EY
You have successfully joined to the MyOrganization (my-org) organization

Select the newly join organization to use the shared cluster

$ fluvio cloud org select my-org
Selected organization: MyOrganization (my-org).
Cluster actions will be performed in this organization.

This organization has the following clusters:
unified-platypus true Installed 0.14.0 1

? Would you like to use cluster unified-platypus on this machine? Yes

Downloading cluster config
Registered sdf worker: unified-platypus
Switched to new profile: unified-platypus

The Fluvio profile is now loaded on to the teammate's machine and can be used by the Fluvio CLI and other Fluvio client applications.